Thursday, September 27, 2007

Your Helpful Tips to Assist You to Stop Smoking

We have picked up all the reasons to stop the smoking habit. You're ready to adopt that first big step to say no to smoking. You'd like to believe that you have an arsenal of backing behind you to hold you up in your powerless moments, as you know there will be those moments when you just demand to light up one further time! Fear not, here is your arsenal of tips to assist you and support you in your desire to stop smoking.

Draw on the strength inside you to achieve tasks just as you've done for former goals. Look upon a time when you needed to accomplish a goal and you were successful. What did it take for you to accomplish the task that time? Where did you get your strength from? Did you have encouragement from somebody exceptional? Were you working on a team? Did you experience any speicial training or assistance in any way? Think of what you used to become successful that time and ascertain if you can duplicate that support during the time that you plan on stopping smoking.

Construct a list of all of the reasons why you need to stop smoking. This list will be your motivation during those times when you feel that you're weak in your declaration to pursue your goal. Your list should include all rationalities (loved ones, health, money and so forth). Keep the list on hand during the day and evening so that you can relate to it when necessary.

Let everybody you know and trust in on your plan to stop smoking so that they can uplift you and give you encouragement. Necessitate them to be supportive in a non-judgemental way if conceivable.

Look for help before you stop so that you'll be aware of how stopping will impact you mentally, emotionally and physically. Acknowledging ahead of time will allow for you to prepare yourself and those who will be in contact with you. There may be times when you'll be irritable, or anxious as you battle the pangs of withdrawl.

Look for the advice of your medical professional as you can take in some helpful tips and support that way also.

Keep yourself active during the time that you'll be stopping so that you will not have time to think about not smoking. One way to keep active is to begin an exercise program. Begin slowly if necessary to allow for your body to adapt if you're not used to exercising.

Discover ways to relax including deep breathing. Find a relaxing time where you can be alone. It only requires to be about five minutes of your day. Gently breath in and then exhale slowly through your mouth, closing your eyes during the deep breathing so that you can relax to a greater extent. You can add imagination to your deep breathing exercises by imagining yourself living smoke-free and loving life. Imagine yourself having more money to do fun things or purchase things for your enjoyment. Imagine being able to go for a run or do a sporting event that you might not have been able to as a smoker.

Ian Wilkins writes for Your Health And Fitness. We have articles and tips written by fully qualified doctors and nurses and give all the information free. If you are serious about looking after your health and fitness, then visit the number 1 resource for Your Health And Fitness

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The Best Way to Quit Smoking: Fasting to Quit

Most quit smoking books, maybe all of them wont tell you what Im about to tell you next. Fasting is one of the best methods to quit smoking, if not the best. It will give you what you need to quit smoking. A lot of us feel we cant quit smoking but we can. We fast so God will give us what we need to finally quit for good.

You should fast for three days to quit smoking. Fast on brown rice and water or carrot juice three days in a row. If you cant fast for three straight days fast one day a week for three weeks or as close together as possible. This method can be used cold turkey or with the method discussed in the last chapter of my book; although I recommend cold turkey with this method. This method will work for you, all you have to do is try.

There are other ways to quit smoking. For instance you could pray or meditate until the desire passes. The desire to smoke will pass.

Another tip I share to readers in my book Quit Smoking the Easy Way: A New and Revolutionary Way to Quit Smoking is to chew cinnamon gum.There is something about cinnamon that fights cravings for nicotine. Weve all heard about the healing power of Aroma therapy. Well now you know cinnamon can be used to fight cravings!

I think one of the most important ways to prepare yourself for quitting smoking is the ritual of forgiveness. Smokers smoke when they are mad. This tends to bring the anger to the subconscious. Heres an excerpt from my book on the chapter entitled The Ritual of Forgiveness: This ritual frees your heart. First think about everyone who has ever wronged you. Make a list in your mind. Ask God or a saint in heaven to help you forgive each person and why you need to forgive them. Perform this ritual nightly until you have forgiven each individual.

You will find that your heart will become unburdened and you will forgive more easily. You will find that you are not only better off not smoking but that you are better off not holding resentment in your heart. Getting rid of any anger will help you to be a calmer person who is ready to quit smoking.

Sallie Stone is the author of Quit Smoking the Easy Way: A New and Revolutionary Way to Quit Smoking. She can be contacted at

Sallie Stone is the author of Quit Smoking the Easy Way: A New and Revolutionary Way to Quit Smoking. She studied Art History and Museum Studies at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. She holds a B.A. in Art History from that school. Her website is

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